
J-1 Visa Extension: How Can I Get One?

J-1 visas are meant for limited stays in the US, but it is possible to extend or adjust them. Learn more about the J-1 visa extension process.

J-1 Visa Waivers: Avoid the 2-Year Foreign Residence Requirement

Learn how to apply for a J-1 visa waiver so you can avoid the two-year home-country residence requirement and stay in the United States after your exchange program!

Visas now allowed by federal court ruling blocking Trump’s ban on foreign workers

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White, a federal judge in the Northern District of California, issued a preliminary injunction preventing the government from enforcing the non-immigrant work-visa ban.

What is the Exchange Visitor J-1 Visa? Everything You Need to Know

Ready to learn new skills through the U.S. Exchange Visitor Program? Know first what J-1 visa is and what you will need to have a successful application.

What are the J-1 Visa Requirements Employers Need to Host Foreign Interns?

Interested to host foreign interns? Learn about the Exchange Visitor Program for interns, how it works, and the J-1 visa requirements you need to fulfill.

How to Sponsor J-1 US Visa for Foreign Interns as a Company

Becoming a J-1 US visa sponsor comes with responsibilities to screen applicants and maintain an active program. Here’s how to sponsor a foreign intern.