Working in the PR field means every day is different. Friday, I was sent to the SOHO Hotel to help out with a PR day my company was managing to promote a new Harry Potter product. After getting the tour of the makeup room, film crew, and talent, I quickly realized this isn’t any ordinary group of people. I am standing face to face with some of the Harry Potter characters I have followed since I was a little girl. Naturally, I played it as cool as can be, politely shaking hands and giving them as much room as possible, while inside I was a giddy school girl.
The cherry on top of an already incredible weekend, was when we took the train to Brighton, which is a pebble beach about two hours south of London. Brighton exceeded all of our expectations as we baked, fully dressed, next to the ocean. It was bizarre to see everyone wearing t-shirts and not bathing suits, and it left me with some pretty 'gnarly' tan lines. Sunday was all dedicated to relaxing, shopping, and eating ice cream. Some of my favorite memories of Europe were along the beach of Brighton.