During the whole flight I wanted to take a plane back to Paris. I realized what an amazing city I just left. As much as I missed my family and friends, Paris grew on me. It definitely has a big space in my heart.

The first thing I wanted to do was see my family and friends. I met up with my friends downtown and ate some good ol' Chinese food. Then walked around the streets I missed the most. Central Park was a must. The whole day I walked around, trying to capture all that I missed. As I walked around Manhattan, I was shocked to be able to catch so much French being spoken. I'm glad my French skills definitely improved. It’s still surreal to me that I was living in Paris for two months. I know I might sound repetitive but I really do want to return to Pareee. After college I will apply to jobs here in NY, California, Chicago, Spain, Ecuador, Canada, and last but not least PARIS. It was my dream to work in Paris one day and I'm glad it came true. Now a new dream is to work and live there for longer. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for me.

Aug 15, 2012
Internship Success

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